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Are you someone who is all set to embark on a fitness regime? If this is your first time then here are few steps to be mindful of before yo begin.

Start slow: Begin your fitness journey with gentle activities such as brisk walking or light jogging. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid injury and burnout.

The first step in your fitness journey is to set achievable goals. This is crucial because setting goals too high can lead to disappointment, while too low may not push you enough! Start by asking ...

Starting your fitness journey can feel overwhelming, but with the right support, it becomes a powerful step toward a healthier lifestyle. "Trust that the hardest part is to walk through the front ...

Sir Jim, who started at just after 10am, is known as a keen athlete who enjoys a challenge. However, you don't have to be a fitness fanatic to stay in shape in your 60s, you should just ensure ...

Smart fitness goals are vital. As you follow through on your fitness plan, here are 5 tips to help you stay accountable and reach your personal fitness goals.

"Fitness saved me," says Quinton, a professional Twitch streamer and player on CBC competition series, Canada's Ultimate Challenge, "my love for gaming kept me inside. I'd fuel myself with large ...

Know the benefits of walking and running, and find out which cardio exercise suits your health goals better. Dive into the comparison to make an informed decision for your fitness journey.

Still looking for a placement? Come to this session for tips on how you can still find one. The benefits of taking a sandwich placement How and where to start your search How to enhance your chances ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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