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Wydatki przypominają o wzorcach z czasów boomu internetowego lat 90., gdzie prawdziwe pieniądze zarabiały firmy takie jak Microsoft i Oracle ...

Unite.AI is committed to rigorous editorial standards. We may receive compensation when you click on links to products we review. Please view our affiliate disclosure. Consuming content efficiently ...

YouTube testował odświeżony wygląd serwisu, który nie każdemu przypadł do gustu. Jak się okazuje krytyka była tak spora, że podobno doprowadziła do porzucenia zmian przez platformę.

W kwietniu w sieci zrobiło się głośno o polskim modelu językowym Bielik 7B, który został zaprezentowany przez zespół SpeakLeash. Po pierwszych zachwytach nad ...

Introduction AI content writing tools are changing the way marketers work. Tools like ChatGPT are becoming more popular. AI-driven marketing is set to drive 45% of the total global economy by 2030.

Artificial intelligence (AI) finds its way into almost every aspect of Americans' lives. At the end of February, there was a minor scandal regarding fast food burger giant Wendy's tests with software- ...

The deepfake double picks its nose in a very weird interview.

In a world with increasing public surveillance, biases in facial recognition also present a potential to exert harm among marginalised groups. So far, people’s false identification through facial ...

Commentary: Buzzy new products like the Rabbit R1 and Humane AI Pin aren't yet worth your money, CNET experts say. Plus, more developments from the world of AI.

Opera, the web browser, has an AI chatbot it calls Aria, that at first doesn't seem much different than any other chatbot you may run across in 2024. However, Opera has added some clever features here ...

We're seeing increased interest in generative AI at work. On Monday, for instance, Amazon announced its own generative AI business assistant, Q. Meanwhile, research from Boston Consulting Group found ...

Customers and partners across all industries and of all sizes are using Amazon Q to transform the way their employees get work done. | Bitcoin | Bank

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