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So we recommend, when you read and analyse these texts that you compare ... and which you can use to see beneath the surface of the text and start to understand what these philosophers are trying to ...

As you begin, remember that every philosopher started where you are ... will provide a framework for deeper exploration. Consider reading introductory books or watching lectures that break down ...

Embarking on the journey of philosophy can be as daunting as it is exciting. With its broad spectrum of ideas and concepts, it's easy to feel lost at sea without a compass. However, when ...

P. Sedgwick, Descartes to Derrida (2001) Blackwell p.121 With these readings in philosophy, I started to see where a knowledge break exists in my LinkedIn profile. It now just happens to be there as ...

To read Munro is to sit within the epiphany-like moments that shape a life. Use this list to discover which of her books you should pick up first. Sometimes, the best place to start with an author’s ...

As a BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics student James Hart found the Department of Philosophy to be incredibly supportive from his visit here, right through to the present day as a graduate. "I ...

We don't require our students to have read any philosophy before they start their studies with us, but we know that many of you might like to do some reading before you arrive to help you feel ...

Their relationship is far from over, so fans may be wondering where to start reading the A Sign of Affection manga after the anime. We’ve got you covered in this article! Usually, romance anime ...

While Hebrews isn’t a common place to start reading the Bible, it does offer a few benefits. Hebrews is a fairly easy read that gives a nice summary of some prominent Bible characters and how ...

They share their experiences of studying at Reading and explore what they've learnt during their time with us. Evie was fascinated by philosophy and chose to study BA Philosophy and English Literature ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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