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Najnowsze artykuły:

Be sure to stay with your baby and watch closely during tummy time. Start newborns on tummy ... with their head turned away from you. Then, talk or sing to your baby. Encourage your little one to turn ...

You can start ... amount of time you spend. You should aim for about 20 minutes per day by the time your baby gets to 6 months. And there are all sorts of things you can do during tummy time ...

Be sure to stay with your baby and watch closely during tummy time. Start newborns on tummy ... with their head turned away from you. Then, talk or sing to your baby. Encourage your little one to turn ...

A little ‘tummy time’ every day is a simple way to help support their development 3. You can start ... be patient as your baby gets used to this new feeling. It can be quite uncomfortable until they ...

Beyond everything else, a newborn’s care is important. As the child grows, their activity starts increasing. It is necessary to take care of them during these growing phases. Do you know what tummy ...

Interacting with your newborn is an exciting experience, but can also be rather daunting. “You've ... then try tummy time a different day, or when they're in a playful mood, or do a different ...

If your newborn could talk, here’s what they’d ask you for There are a number of simple ways you can stimulate your baby’s brain development, says Maral Amani. The human brain has 100 billion ...

rather than the floor (see What is tummy time – and how to do it, for ideas and tips). But, once your baby's happy to lie on their front on the floor with a playmat for a while (certainly by about 3 ...

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