Najnowsze artykuły:

Kościół Steve'a Jobsa przyciąga ludzi i odcina od świata zewnętrznego. Tak też stało się i ze mną. Najpierw Apple kupił mnie komputerem Mac, potem iPadem, a później poszło już z górki: iPhone, trzy pa ...

BBC donosi, że coraz więcej nastolatków i dorosłych w Ameryce Północnej rezygnuje z używania smartfonów i wybiera proste telefony komórkowe. Głównym powodem jest, długi czas spędzany przed ekranem, ...

Though we know that early Christians sang during worship, they probably used no instruments. Nearly all of the backgrounds from which early Christians came-Jewish, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and more ...

Powiedzieć, że uczenie maszynowe i sztuczna inteligencja są interesujące, to jak nic nie powiedzieć. A technologiczne innowacje i nietypowe produkty to fascynujące elementy otaczającej nas rzeczywisto ...

Phones and other media are a big part of kids’ lives, and they can be a healthy part too. Here are some ways that you can make sure your kids get the best possible start when using media ... when ...

So, where exactly did they come from ... Celebrities and their guilty pleasures It was the Chinese who started the trend for wearing slippers. They began pulling on this type of footwear as ...

Asking yourself a series of questions about what you want in a new home can be a good starting point ... sewer, water, telephone and broadband, drainage and even the type of soil, which can ...

They maintained unity through organization (from the second century on, beginning ... did early Christians remodel or build separate structures for worship instead of continuing to use private ...

Some world historians attach globalization big bang' significance to 1492 (Christopher Colombus stumbles on the Americas in search of spices) and 1498 (Vasco da Gama makes an end run around Africa and ...

Imagine sitting down for a meal without any cutlery. How would you manage your soup without a spoon, or cut your steak without a knife? Today, we use forks, knives, and spoons without a second ...

But when in Homo sapiens' history did people first start catching the common cold? The question is difficult to answer, in part because many viruses cause colds and few of them preserve well in ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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