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Dowiedz się jakie symptomy mogą świadczyć o tym, że masz do czynienia z tzw. long COVID. Czym właściwie jest tzw. long COVID? Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) definiuje go jako stan charakteryzujący ...

With the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic fading even as the coronavirus persists and evolves, a new normal is taking shape around the world. The government provided $69.5 billion in relief ...

As COVID-19 continues to linger in the population, serious cases are decreasing, but some milder symptoms are hanging on. It’s called long COVID, and it can impact anyone who contracts the ...

While COVID-19 rates have dropped in New York City, the virus is still raging on Rikers. At the same time, the state is using the pandemic as a pretext to send more people to NYC jails for longer, and ...

Child poverty worsens in NY while nation improves ... NJ suffered horrible COVID-19 loses. 'Postmortem' says it's not ready for another emergency. The report says the state needs to beef up ...

By David Leonhardt Let me start with a disclaimer ... Americans who believe they suffered serious side effects from a Covid vaccine. More than 13,000 of them have filed vaccine-injury claims ...

Dlatego tak ważne było, aby w Genewie zaprezentował się dobrze. I dotychczas mu się to udawało. W pierwszej rundzie, we wtorek, polsko-monakijski duet pokonał Czechów Tomasa Machaca i Petra Nouzę 4:6, ...

Jeden z wiedeńskich domów publicznych, Fun Palast, oferuje swoim klientom vouchery na darmową wizytę w zamian za zaszczepienie się w placówce przeciw COVID-19 - informuje Sky News.

As the U.S. marks one year since its first coronavirus case ... chain of events that led to the worst pandemic in a century started with a tiny, insect-eating mammal with a mundane name, the ...

So, where exactly did they come from ... Celebrities and their guilty pleasures It was the Chinese who started the trend for wearing slippers. They began pulling on this type of footwear as ...

Some world historians attach globalization big bang' significance to 1492 (Christopher Colombus stumbles on the Americas in search of spices) and 1498 (Vasco da Gama makes an end run around Africa and ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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