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Dowiedz się jakie symptomy mogą świadczyć o tym, że masz do czynienia z tzw. long COVID. Czym właściwie jest tzw. long COVID? Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) definiuje go jako stan charakteryzujący ...

Kolejne kilkaset firm dostanie wezwania do zwrotu subwencji z tarcz antycovidowych - zapowiedział w rozmowie z PAP wiceprezes Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Bartosz Marczuk. Dodał, że PFR czeka jeszcze na ...

A South Australian worker has single-handedly sparked - and ended - one ... and then you start shutting down. “What we’ve done is have very few cases, but prevent that long-term shutdown.” Spurrier ...

A vaccine is intended to provide immunity against COVID ... to South Africa through the African Union’s African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team facility. Pfizer has committed 20 million vaccine doses ...

Interest in voluntary repatriation is growing, and UNHCR has supported 394 people to return safely to their countries of origin from Botswana and South Africa since the start of the year. Ending ...

The struggle starts early in the Hammanskraal area of South Africa as people queue some mornings to fill buckets with water from a tank provided by an aid agency ...

This piece discusses the step-by-step process of getting started with stock trading South Africa. The first step towards being a good trader is to have a solid grounding in the fundamentals of trading ...

Nelson Mandela's African National Congress promised South Africans "A Better Life For All" when it swept to power in the country's first democratic election in 1994, marking the end of white ...

A 'triple threat' of surging flu, Covid and respiratory syncytial virus detections across New South Wales has prompted health authorities to issue a warning.

Thirty Years After End of Apartheid, Equality Eludes South Africa By Kopano Gumbi and Olivia ... in 2021 to support those hardest hit by the COVID pandemic. It is currently debating whether ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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