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Najnowsze artykuły:

Eugene V. Debs in 1920 and Lyndon LaRouche in 1992 both ran for president from prison. The Constitution doesn't prevent campaigning behind bars.

Business Insider obtained a copy of the standard probation form given to Trump. It orders him to immediately schedule a pre-sentence interview.

From CIA To CEO” author Rupal Patel shares the key phrases that have helped her be successful in both boardrooms and briefing rooms.

This election is about character, so you have two choices ... from college campuses to every state they can access. “And those polls are going to turn, I’m confident of it, because as time goes on, as ...

Once you pop, you can’t stop!” when being questioned over alleged shoplifting.Adam Spencer, 40, was arrested by Nottinghamshire Police on Tuesday 28th May.He told police that in one shop raid, he took ...

Donald Trump , 77, was found guilty of 34 felony counts over falsifying documents to cover up a payment to silence Daniels ahead of the 2016 election. He has denied any wrongdoing.

Elliot Castro, from Glasgow, nicked millions to fly first class around the world, stay in the best hotels, spend big in Beverly Hills and party with U2’s Bono.

WILMINGTON, Delaware — For the first time in American history, the son of a sitting president is set to go on trial — twice — as Hunter Biden faces gun charges next week and tax charges in September.

Prosecutors, when your'e recommending a sentence, you're not just recommending a sentence so they can be rehabilitated or punished, you're sending a message to the community that this is not going to ...

Z przedstawienia ma płynąć przesłanie, że naszym zadaniem na tym świecie jest odkrycie swojego głosu, odnalezienie swojej ścieżki, bycie bohaterem swojej historii - mówi PAP Justyna Sobczyk, reżyserka ...

The defendant can provide at least one piece of evidence, including court records, pre-sentencing report ... Control patterns often begin in adolescence, she said, so teaching children at least ...

What's sort of amusing is that the game itself seems to think you should be a cab driver, too, and it offers you the chance on multiple occasions. Terry needs a car so he can drive himself into outer ...

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