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"Start Menu Companions" i przypomina tablicę widżetów, tyle że mocno zmniejszoną i przypiętą do menu Start. Słychać też echo dynamicznych kafelków.

Since windows 8, Microsoft has offered a more interactive way to customize your start menu. In Windows 10, you can pin and unpin application tiles from your start menu. If you are going to do this in ...

Firma Microsoft przymierza się do kolejnej zmiany w obrębie menu Start. Już niebawem w Windows 11 może pojawić się rozwiązanie przypominające funkcję z Ósemki.

Albacore, jeden z użytkowników serwisu X, odnalazł w wersji testowej Windows 11 (build 26212) nową funkcję "Start Menu Companions". Jej aktywacja wprowadza dodatkowy panel, wyświetlający się obok menu ...

Every major Windows update since Windows 8 has come with a redesign of the Start menu, and Windows 11 is no exception. This time, though, Microsoft took a radical approach: The taskbar is centered, ...

Here's how. Step 1: To remove an app from the Start Menu, simply right-click on it and choose unpin from Start. The app then disappears from your pinned list. Step 2: If you want to pin an app in ...

This time, though, Microsoft took a radical approach: The taskbar is centered, the Start menu is devoid of live tiles, and there are only two sections—pinned apps and recommendations.

Microsoft appears to be trying to extend the functionality of the Start Menu. The Floating Widgets appear to be a drop-in replacement for Live Tiles. Developers would be able to treat these ...

Microsoft is testing a new feature for the Windows 11 Start Menu called Companions. It looks like a replacement for the Live Tiles feature. The support has been spotted on the latest Windows 11 ...

Microsoft will soon begin pushing adverts into the Start Menu of Windows 11 with the inclusion of 'recommended' apps. On social media, Windows users have been outraged by the decision to include ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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