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Transition words and ... according to the level and scope of your writing. There are three levels of transitions: within sentences, between sentences, and between paragraphs.

Begin a paragraph with a gerund (-ing) or a prepositional phrase, and soon you'll feel compelled to backtrack and clarify with a "however" transition. In the case of that particular word ...

To select a paragraph, place the cursor at the start of the paragraph and drag to the last word of the paragraph. Another way would be to place the cursor at the start of the paragraph and click ...

a 2021 graduate of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, and it can be a jarring transition when you're no longer in that bubble, especially if friends disperse to other cities to begin their ...

For a start, you'll have to study the same subjects again and sit the exams at the end of the academic year. When looking to retake your A-levels it's important to bear in mind that this doesn't have ...

Play Circus Words to begin training your brain and to become a vocabulary master! It is time to discover mystery hidden words and build as many words as possible! Workout your brain in our brain ...

The challenges of college begin long before a student enrolls ... Basili encourages students to create a word cloud by going through their list and writing down what comes to mind next to each ...

Military transition is simply the change from military-to-civilian status. Far from simple, this can be a move from active duty to veteran or to retired life but, for many it is the beginning of ...

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Ministry of Education has officially announced that Advanced Level studies in schools will commence on June 4th for students who appeared for the Ordinary Level examination ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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