
Najnowsze artykuły:

Localazy, czeski startup, zapewnia językowe, i kulturowe dopasowanie treści, dzięki zastosowaniu sztucznej inteligencji. Właśnie wchodzi na polski rynek.

Localazy, platforma lokalizacyjna oparta na sztucznej inteligencji, wchodzi na polski rynek, oferując kompleksowe usługi tłumaczeniowe i adaptacyjne dostosowane do specyfiki lokalnych rynków. Celem fi ...

Znamy 20 startupów - półfinalistów Infoshare Startup Contest. Wśród nich jest aż 8 projektów z Polski. Wszystkie one powalczą o 30 tysięcy euro w gotówce podczas finału konkursu na konferencji Infosha ...

British credit technology firm Abound has achieved profitability three years after its launch and is looking to double the size of its team in London from 65 to 130 this year.

Pozyskanie środków na rozwój biznesu wymaga odbycia szeregu spotkań z potencjalnymi inwestorami. Czasami sam oferowany produkt może ułatwić to zadanie.

Showcase your company news with guaranteed exposure both in print and online Upgrade your upskilling strategy at Pluralsight Connect24! Presented by Denver Business Journal + Pluralsight Small ...

making funding a unique challenge for startups. Alternatively, small businesses tend to source funding through small business loans and grants because they tend to generate less profit and therefore ...

Reddit's initial public offering (IPO) marked a significant moment in the tech landscape. With Pinterest being the last major social media company to go public five years ago, investor excitement over ...

Vinted, the popular second-hand fashion marketplace, has become profitable for the first time, reaching a €17.8mn net profit in 2023.

Unicorns, or companies valued above a billion dollars, have been finding it difficult to raise capital in the last 12-18 months of the funding winter ...

The growing focus of the Indian government on the semiconductor industry has led to a burgeoning number of semiconductor startups in the country, which are helping India realize its ambition of becomi ...

În toamnă, startup-ul românesc, fondat de către Ruxandra Cord și Mike Dinescu, a anunțat la PROFIT NEWS TV că vrea să atragă o finanțare de 300.000 de euro pentru scalarea internațională… + ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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