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I to nie byle jakim – „rekomendacje”, jak zgrabnie je nazywa, zaczynają pojawiać się w menu Start systemu Windows 11. Pomysł, by umieszczać reklamy w obrębie menu Start, nie jest wcale nowy. Ba, ...

Oprócz ogłoszonych nowości i poprawek Microsoft po cichu dodał tekst do jednego z ustawień. Chodzi tu o niesławne rekomendacje aplikacji w menu Start. Teraz już ustawienie nie kryje, że chodzi również ...

Reklamy w systemie operacyjnym? To nie dystopijna wizja, a rzeczywistość — przynajmniej w Windowsie 11. Reklamy pojawiły się w menu Start w Windows 11 Po krótkich testach, Microsoft zdecydował się ...

Some things should never have ads on them, and it’s the unofficial policy of that desktop computer start menus are among them. And yet, start menu are just what Windows 11 has recently ...

While we’ve seen anecdotal reports of the ads popping into Start menus on new Windows 11 installations, we can’t actually generate one on our own systems, even with the KB5036980 update applied.

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Microsoft will soon begin pushing adverts into the Start Menu of Windows 11 with the inclusion of 'recommended' apps. On social media, Windows users have been outraged by the decision to include ...

Hypertext is one of South Africa’s leading technology news and reviews sites. We publish original content daily for consumers and businesses. All original words & media by Hypertext by htxt ...

It's no secret that Microsoft wanted to put ads in the Windows 11 Start menu. The tech giant started testing ads in its beta releases a couple of weeks ago, and prior versions of Windows had ...

In Windows 11, the start menu that appears when you press the Windows key now displays Microsoft Store apps recommended by Microsoft. The KB5036980 update delivered on April 23, 2024, officially ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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