Najnowsze artykuły:

Ta garść bezcennych informacji stoi na drodze do często używanych akcji, takich jak "Wyloguj" i "Przełącz konto".

Windows 11 to wiele nowości i zmian na lepsze. System operacyjny Microsoftu ma jednak swoje ciemne strony, gdyż pozbawia użytkownika funkcji dostępnych w Windowsie 10. Strona 2.

Okazuje się, że Windows 11 zyskał nową porcję reklam. Te są już dostępne dla wszystkich użytkowników w menu start.

Microsoft is starting to rollout a Windows 11 update that enables ads in the Start menu. Thankfully, you can disable these app recommendations easily from settings.

W zeszłym tygodniu ukazała się aktualizacja Windows 11 w Canary Channel (build 26200). Oprócz ogłoszonych nowości i poprawek Microsoft po cichu dodał tekst do jednego z ustawień. Chodzi tu o niesławne ...

This isn’t the first time Microsoft has tried ads in its operating systems. We’ve seen ads on Windows 10’s lock screen and Start menu before, and there was even testing of ads in Windows 11’s File ...

I didn’t realize that Microsoft had pushed out the update that brought advertising to the Windows 11 Start menu until I started to read the news. I’ve had recommendations turned off this entire time.

Microsoft has started rolling out a Windows 11 update that includes ads for Microsoft Store apps in the Start menu. The Start menu’s Recommended section will display ads for a “small set of curated ...

Ads are everywhere, and it's disappointing that they are now coming to the Windows 11 Start Menu – but fortunately, you can still remove them.

After briefly testing the ads, Microsoft is adding them in an update for all Windows 11 devices. Here's how to turn off Start menu ads.

This wouldn't be the first time Microsoft embeds ads in its operating system. The company did similar promotions with the Windows 10 lock screen, mail app and Start menu. But it seems to be coming at ...

Windows 11 beta insider release has been testing ads in the Start Menu but now all users are getting the unwanted feature with the April 2024 update. Read more on ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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