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Windows 11 niebawem dostanie odświeżony wygląd menu Start, a już teraz korzystający z testowych wydań w programie ...

I to nie byle jakim – „rekomendacje”, jak zgrabnie je nazywa, zaczynają pojawiać się w menu Start systemu Windows 11. Pomysł, by umieszczać reklamy w obrębie menu Start, nie jest wcale nowy. Ba, ...

Menu Start w Windows 11 od dłuższego już czasu nie widziało żadnych znaczących zmian. No, może poza kolejnymi reklamami i polecanymi aplikacjami, które Microsoft postanowił umieścić właśnie w tym ...

So, listed below are the methods to restore the functionality of the Start Menu and Cortana back to normal ... Right-click on PowerShell and choose Open File Location. This will open the file location ...

One case of an annoying incident is the launching of the start menu when you return to your PC after putting the computer to sleep or after locking it. Upon waking or on unlocking the system, the ...

Microsoft will soon begin pushing adverts into the Start Menu of Windows 11 with the inclusion of 'recommended' apps. On social media, Windows users have been outraged by the decision to include ...

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The latest update from Microsoft brings the Start Menu to Windows RT 8.1. The support page of Microsoft officially announced that KB3033055 brings the Start Menu to Surface RT replacing its ...

It's no secret that Microsoft wanted to put ads in the Windows 11 Start menu. The tech giant started testing ads in its beta releases a couple of weeks ago, and prior versions of Windows had ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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