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Teraz poza prawidłowo działającymi menu kontekstowymi i sortowaniem alfabetycznym nowy układ Start wyświetla foldery skrótów aplikacji w menu Start.

Windows 11 niebawem dostanie odświeżony wygląd menu Start, a już teraz korzystający z testowych wydań w programie ...

Reklamy w menu Start mogą już wyświetlać się wszystkim użytkownikom systemu Windows 11. Czy i jak można je wyłączyć?

Wyświetlanie reklam to jeden z najprostszych, ale zarazem najbardziej skuteczniejszych sposobów zarabiania w internecie. Microsoft, producent systemu operacyjnego przeznaczonego na komputery chce wyko ...

But now Windows users won't even be able to open their internet browser before seeing adverts. Microsoft will soon begin pushing adverts into the Start Menu of Windows 11 with the inclusion of ...

It's no secret that Microsoft wanted to put ads in the Windows 11 Start menu. The tech giant started testing ads in its beta releases a couple of weeks ago, and prior versions of Windows had ...

Ever since Microsoft launched Windows 11 in 2021, the tech giant has been finding new ways to insert advertisements on the world’s most popular operating system for PCs. Now, the company has started ...

Go to Settings > Personalization > Start, or use the Start menu search bar to open the settings panel. Then, select the option to toggle off Show recommendations for tips, shortcuts, new apps ...

Windows 11 Start menu ads appear in the recommended section The ads are part of the Windows 11 KB5036980 update rolling out this week Recently, Microsoft released its Phi-3-mini AI model ...

For the people who prefer not to have Microsoft's app recommendations visible in their faces when they open the Start menu, here is a quick guide with which you can learn how to disable this feature ...

And, starting with a script helps to create a professional product. Scripted Recordings save time because you’ll automatically create accurate closed captions and reduce the need for editing. Record ...

KFC has announced the launch of a new limited edition menu item to celebrate the start of barbecue season ... you can head to the popular fast food chain, which is set to kick off barbecue ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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