
Najnowsze artykuły:

Trochę trudno w to uwierzyć, ale konstrukcja jako koncept ma już 11 lat, z czego prace nad nią trwały niemal dekadę. Firma odsyła ją więc na zasłużoną emeryturę.

Ponadto twórcy chwalą się szerszą implementacją sztucznej inteligencji i uczenia maszynowego , dzięki czemu roboty łatwiej odnajdą się w skomplikowanym środowisku. Wedle zapowiedzi Boston Dynamics ...

Boston Dynamics has rolled out the latest version of its Atlas robot, marking a significant evolution in both design and functionality. The unveiling showcased ...

Boston Dynamics postanowiło zakończyć ponad dziesięcioletnią przygodę robota Atlas, który bazował na wcześniejszym humanoidalnym robocie PETMAN i został wyposażony w zaawansowaną technologię ...

Boston Dynamics has released a video unveiling their next generation humanoid robot. It is a fully electric Atlas robot designed for real-world applications. Atlas demonstrates efforts to develop the ...

The All New Atlas is Boston Dynamic's first all-electric humanoid robot and the robotics firm claims it's stronger and more agile than all previous iterations. What jumps out at me in the video, ...

Boston Dynamics’ current timeline has the electric Atlas beginning pilot testing at Hyundai ... As an investor pointed out to me years back, billions of years of evolution hasn’t made us ...

We mere humans are destined, one day, to be no more. For our robot friends however, death comes in the form of retirement, and Boston Dynamics has announced that its original Atlas robot has finally ...

A day after retiring the hydraulic version of its humanoid robot, Boston Dynamics just announced that -- like Bob Dylan before it -- Atlas just went electric. The pace is fast, the steps still a bit ...

Boston Dynamics ... the years, starting with walking like a normal human and then walking over rough surfaces. Before long, Atlas was battery-powered, jogging, and running up boxes in increasingly ...

Kill It With Fire Boston Dynamics has announced its latest bipedal creation, the successor of the company's jogging, flipping, dancing, and parkouring Atlas robot. A video shared by the company shows ...

Boston Dynamics has announced the retirement of its hydraulic Atlas robot and unveiled its successor: a fully electric Atlas designed for real-world applications. This next generation of the Atlas ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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