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System Android już wkrótce otrzyma garść nowości, które (przynajmniej w teorii) skutecznie zniechęcą złodziei do podbierania cudzych smartfonów.

Oto lista smartfonów, które otrzymają aktualizację do systemu Android 15. Wiele popularnych modeli różnych firm otrzyma uaktualnienie do nowego systemu.

App developers want you to opt in to every notification possible, but thankfully, Android provides a lot of tools to help you tune in to the helpful stuff and tune out the distractions.

And while Android’s notification systems offer plenty of nuanced control over how different alerts do and don’t reach you, it still seems virtually impossible to avoid swimming in a sprawling ...

Yeah, me too. There is hope: Spending a few minutes going through the notification settings on your Android phone can make a significant difference in terms of which apps can ping you and on what ...

Android users can easily manage unwanted notifications with notification channels for more control over app alerts. A hidden flag in Android 15 beta 1 hides unnecessary notification channels from ...

The ever-growing number of notifications on our smartphones can be overwhelming, disrupting our focus and creating unwanted noise. In response, Android 15 introduces a innovative feature called ...

Yeah, me too. There is hope: Spending a few minutes going through the notification settings on your Android phone can make a significant difference in terms of which apps can ping you and on what ...

Notification channels are one of the best features Android has debuted in recent years, but the feature can be a little bit much in some apps. In Android 15, though, it appears Google will make it ...

Now you will have calls, conversations in Messages, and important notifications within reach of a single tap. The new feature is present in the Google Contacts app on Android starting with the 4.31 ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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