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W tym roku starsza wersja klienta zostanie wycofana i nastąpi automatyczne przejście do nowego Teams. Kiedy dokładnie to nastąpi?

Microsoft Teams to komunikator do pracy zespołowej w ramach usługi Office 365. Aplikacja pozwala korzystać z rozmów grupowych i dwuosobowych, także głosowych, monitorowania zmian w plikach, planowanie ...

Microsoft poinformował o zakończeniu okresu wsparcia technicznego dla pierwszej generacji popularnego komunikatora — Microsoft Teams. Korzystanie z niego będzie mocno utrudnione już za kilka miesięcy.

Our Microsoft Teams download guide is crucial reading if you work from home. Many companies utilize it to keep employees in touch with their respective teams. It’s a good service full of useful ...

Microsoft Teams — zgromadź wszystkich w jednym miejscu w celu organizowania spotkań, czatowania, nawiązywania połączeń i współpracy.

I hope this post helps you. Yes, Microsoft Teams works on Apple CarPlay. However, meeting video feeds do not appear on the dashboard. Your administrator can block Siri if you use a Microsoft ...

But another solution that sometimes gets overlooked is an old-school one: The RSS feed. What is an RSS feed? It’s a technology that has influenced many modern internet tools you’re familiar ...

How can I receive RSS feeds? There are several ways of receiving RSS feeds, but the technology is moving forwards and adapting very quickly. The main method is to download a program called a 'News ...

or your feed appears to be frozen in time, we would recommend restarting the application. If you are still having Microsoft Teams issues when it comes to loading the latest messages, check your ...

Microsoft has decided to unbundle Teams from Office at a global level, according to a new Reuters report today. The move comes around half a year after the company did the exact same thing for EU ...

AutoRek, a leading software provider to companies in the global financial services sector, has today announced the availability of its cutting-edge platform in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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