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FeedDemon to rozbudowany czytnik kanałów RSS i Atom. Program jest bardzo elastyczny i dostarcza wielu przydatnych narzędzi. Czytane artykuły można otwierać w nowej zakładce programu lub w domyślnej ...

W przypadku pomyłkowej instalacji niechcianego oprogramowania polecamy skorzystanie z naszego poradnika. QuiteRSS to lekki i szybki czytnik RSS/Atom stworzony w języku C++ z użyciem biblioteki Qt, ...

O projekcie pierwszej polskiej elektrowni jądrowej, jego finansowaniu i formule pomocy publicznej rozmawiamy z ministrem Maciejem Bando odpowiedzialnym za infrastrukturę polskiej energetyki.

Scientists have been able to characterize a single atom using X-rays. Not only they were able to distinguish the type of atoms they were seeing (there were two different ones), but they also managed ...

For example, in the early 20th Century the plum pudding model of the atom was replaced by the nuclear model of the atom. Explain what led to the plum pudding model of the atom being replaced by ...

To capture the fast atomic dynamics, the sample underwent half-second heat pulses between 100–1000°C. After each pulse, the team would look at where the atoms were using TEM and then repeat the ...

P articles and waves are one and the same in our universe. This challenge to the expected binary is everywhere, but it becomes crucial at the quantum level. The wave-particle duality has been studied ...

But if you want the ultimate in accuracy, you’ll want a quantum atomic interferometer ... There are optical gyros available, for example the ring laser gyro, and more esoteric devices, but ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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