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The age at which menstruation begins has been declining in Western countries for decades – and a new study indicates that in the US, the trend isn’t slowing. What’s more, multiple factors ...

We all have secrets — some of them that we'll take to our graves. Well, recently Reddit user u/Comfortable_Tomato_3 asked for people to share all the disturbing secrets they found out about their ...

In a lively 3 minutes 33 seconds, 10 people describe their feelings about their own periods, from love and pride to discomfort and hate. The wide-ranging chorus is testament to how every woman has ...

Every time you have a bad day or are feeling low, take a step back and tell yourself, "I have the power to uplift my mood." In a time where it's easy to drown in all the negative news surrounding us, ...

Women make fewer mistakes while on their periods, despite feeling less capable at this time of the month, research suggests. Experts discovered that women experience fluctuations in mental agility ...

True or false? People who get periods can sync up their menstrual cycles with their friends. "True," said Toronto resident Sarah Hall. "I think that's false," said Tovan Lew, another Torontonian.

In short: One in four women have periods so heavy their lives are disrupted yet only half will seek help, according to a new report. Some women who do seek help may end up getting hysterectomies ...

A study found that US girls exposed to high amounts of PM2.5 pollution are more likely to have their first period at an earlier age (Credit: Getty Images) New research shows that girls in the US ...

Let's talk about periods. Now, we know this might not be the most comfortable topic, but hear us out. A period is simply the monthly shedding of the lining of the uterus. The uterus is kind of ...

Helen Flanagan admitted she used to 'feel horrendous mentally before her period' to the point that 'she couldn't cope'. The Coronation Street star, 33, revealed in an upcoming interview on the ...

Periods at the end of a sentence scare Gen Z. That’s right. The tiny, essential punctuation mark has the power to strike fear into the minds of younger adults. Megan Gerhardt, PhD, a professor ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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