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"Start Menu Companions" i przypomina tablicę widżetów, tyle że mocno zmniejszoną i przypiętą do menu Start. Słychać też echo dynamicznych kafelków.

Nie podoba Wam się stopniowe pojawianie się reklam w systemie Windows 11? Cóż, w takim razie nie mamy dobrych wieści.

Firma Microsoft przymierza się do kolejnej zmiany w obrębie menu Start. Już niebawem w Windows 11 może pojawić się rozwiązanie przypominające funkcję z Ósemki.

To learn more about these steps, continue reading. 1] Move Start Menu to the left side By default, Windows 11 displays the Taskbar items, including Start Menu, Taskbar search box, etc., ...

Albacore, jeden z użytkowników serwisu X, odnalazł w wersji testowej Windows 11 (build 26212) nową funkcję "Start Menu Companions". Jej aktywacja wprowadza dodatkowy panel, wyświetlający się obok menu ...

After only two weeks of beta testing under its ‘Windows Insider Program,’ Microsoft has enabled ads on Windows 11’s Start Menu for all users. If you have already updated your Windows 11 version to ...

The fastest way to open something on Windows is to open the start menu and start typing the name of the app or file. The exact thing you're looking for will show up, at which point you can hit "enter.

One case of an annoying incident is the launching of the start menu when you return to your PC after putting the computer to sleep or after locking it. Upon waking or on unlocking the system, the ...

Microsoft is bringing app promotions to the Windows 11 Start Menu. The feature arrives alongside the currently optional KB5036980 update. Here's how to easily disable the option from the Settings app.

Microsoft will soon begin pushing adverts into the Start Menu of Windows 11 with the inclusion of 'recommended' apps. On social media, Windows users have been outraged by the decision to include ...

I didn’t realize that Microsoft had pushed out the update that brought advertising to the Windows 11 Start menu until I started to read the news. I’ve had recommendations turned off this ...

The Start menu is one such element that only appeared later in the operating system's life, starting with Windows 95. It's been a staple of every Windows OS release ever since, but it's changed a ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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