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Proceed to the individual whose link you wish to copy, then right-click on their name. Enter " into the browser window after it has opened. The ID you just copied should be used in lieu of the Xs at ...

In its continued search toward profitability and a potential IPO, Discord CEO Jason Citron announced plans to the platform refocus on gaming.

Discord announced today that it plans to focus less on being a general-purpose communication platform, and more on being a useful platform for games and shared interests. There are no changes ...

OpenAI ogłosiło na początku tego miesiąca ChatGPT-4o, aby umożliwić naturalną interakcję człowiek-komputer za pośrednictwem głosu. Od tego czasu startup ...

O n Discord's official blog, CEO Jason Citron has declared a bold new vision for Discord that, actually, is a lot like the old vision. After its recent years chasing the widest possible user base, ...

The San Francisco company described in a blog post how its chatbots have already been misused to post political spam and generate entire articles. It also described steps it is taking to stop these ...

The big flaw of Roll20 is its voice and video quality, which is why everyone runs Zoom or Discord in another window when they use it. Combining the two is a simple solution, and having Roll20 run as ...

But it’s not just the sporting field where groups of men pose a threat to women. The outrage comes hot on the heels of a scandal out of elite private school Yarra Valley Grammar, where news broke last ...

How ­early-career planetary scientists are preparing to support the astronauts who will return to the lunar surface and beyond.

Kit Harington is seen as Lord Henry Muck in first look images from the upcoming third series of high-finance drama Industry.

For jobs up to ten levels below the current expansion’s level cap, the biggest of these is an EXP bonus that will apply when a Mentor groups with players who have ... re-entry into the Novice Network, ...

But maybe that’s just what happens when you start asking better questions ... You’ll be refreshed, reenergized, and full of gossip to share with the group chat, or songs and poetry you concocted in ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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