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Hibernation allows you to save the state of the computer without losing any unsaved data. It is a popular method still used by many, especially to lower down the boot time. PowerCFG is a powerful ...

Windows Hello is Microsoft’s biometric security system for Windows 10 PCs, but it requires special hardware. Japan's Mouse Computer will soon launch add-on sensors for any PC. As drones have ...

"Start Menu Companions" i przypomina tablicę widżetów, tyle że mocno zmniejszoną i przypiętą do menu Start. Słychać też echo dynamicznych kafelków.

Windows 11 changed a lot in terms of the overall design and user experience. However, many settings and features hidden behind the Control Panel still work the same way. For example, the hibernate ...

Firma Microsoft przymierza się do kolejnej zmiany w obrębie menu Start. Już niebawem w Windows 11 może pojawić się rozwiązanie przypominające funkcję z Ósemki.

Windows 10 goes down arguably as the easiest to use computer operating system around. Among many great features it offers, its auditory signals notify you of when your attention is needed or when ...

Klienci w edycjach Enterprise, Education i IoT Enterprise z zasady mają zapewnione dłuższe wsparcie, ale i ono kiedyś się kończy. Co trzeba wiedzieć?

I didn’t realize that Microsoft had pushed out the update that brought advertising to the Windows 11 Start menu until I started to read the news. I’ve had recommendations turned off this ...

Windows 11 has kept many of the useful features from its predecessor, including Fast Startup. As the name suggests, Fast Startup allows your computer to start up faster after a shutdown.

Ads in Microsoft Windows' Start menu are nothing new, and it's no surprise that they're coming to Windows 11. Microsoft has been testing ads in beta releases, and this week the update that places ...

The fastest way to open something on Windows is to open the start menu and start typing the name of the app or file. The exact thing you're looking for will show up, at which point you can hit "enter. | Bitcoin | Bank

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