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Basically, gamers exchange and share interesting TIPS to evolve. In this article, we will discover together step by step how to create a Discord account? Then you need to enter your e-mail address, ...

Creating an event will require the user to make several clicks of the mouse, so do not expect to get things done in just a few seconds. As we have stated above, a voice event is an option mostly ...

Discord is a platform that was created in 2015 by Jason Citron with the aim of facilitating interlocution between game players in the same game. One of these specificities also concerns the ...

Discord gives its users the option to create their own stickers and then send them to their friends. That’s because not all emotions can be written; some need to be expressed using images ...

Niezbędne pliki cookie umożliwiają korzystanie z podstawowych funkcji strony internetowej, takich jak logowanie użytkownika i zarządzanie kontem. Bez niezbędnych plików cookie nie można prawidłowo kor ...

Sending an invitation link to someone is one way of inviting them to join your Discord server. This invite link isn't customizable by default; it just has a random string of characters that don't ...

YouTube ogłosił, że ponad 75 tytułów wchodzących w ramy Playables, dostępnych dotychczas jedynie dla posiadaczy YouTube Premium, zostanie udostępnionych za darmo wszystkim użytkownikom platformy. Aby ...

Discord, the current king of chat room apps, has seen an explosion of users over the last few years. But being new to Discord means learning a new language, whether that includes getting used to ...

Discord is a popular group-chatting app that, while originally made for gaming, has blown up since its 2015 launch. Now all kinds of people have flocked to the platform to build group chats ...

Discord proposes an arrangement that benefits users, with a revenue split of 90% for the server owner and 10% for the platform. However, certain conditions must be met in order to earn money on ...

Find out how we test here. Making text bold in Discord can be done in several ways, which include using keyboard shortcuts and markup language. But don’t worry if this sounds complicated, as this ...

Are you curious to discover how to leave a Discord server? Find out everything you need to know ... Our mission is to provide you with great editorial and essential information to make your PC an ...

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