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Respect the Theme. Not all TEDx events have a stated theme, but some do – and if you’re proposing a talk, it behooves you to respect that. TEDx Somerville’s theme was “Movement,” a topic ...

Similarly, other Facebook users can invite you to events. When you are invited, you can ignore the invitation completely. If you choose to respond, however, you have three choices: "I'm Attending ...

Share your story with authenticity, passion, and value. Don't let your TED talk be a one-time event. Follow up with the attendees who expressed interest in your talk, whether they gave you their ...

Some of the most-watched talks on came from TEDx events.” Rob Ivy lives in Nashville. He is the chief financial officer of Lee Company, a mechanical contracting, facilities and home ...

When gearing up for a TEDx talk, much emphasis is placed on speech perfection. Yet, what you wear is equally pivotal, shaping audience perception and impacting your stage confidence. This guide ...

Participants in an "Improv Everywhere" danced outside the convention center, led in synchronized moves by whoever jumped on the "Dance Captain Wanted" stage. I attended a workshop called ...

When there are upsetting events in the news or in the local community, children may see, hear or read things that cause them anxiety or distress. This may be from other children, on the news, from ...

Her talk, part of Pitt’s second annual TEDx event, focused on Harling’s personal experiences with Aryuveda and Holistic Highway, an online community for people who follow holistic medical practices.

It is important that children understand feeling upset, shocked or angry is an acceptable response to a traumatic event, an expert ... Where to get help: Need to Talk? Free call or text 1737 ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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