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Bez programu dopłat tempo wzrostu cen wyhamuje, jednak sprzedaż mieszkań skurczy się rok do roku. Najgorszy jest brak jasnego sygnału od decydentów.

Flagowy program mieszkaniowy rządu „Na start” stoi pod znakiem zapytania – twierdzi „Rzeczpospolita”. Prace ostro krytykuje go Lewica. Jeśli programu nie będzie, rynek się ustabilizuje, a ceny mieszka ...

Na sobotniej konferencji programowej Szymon Hołownia, lider Polski 2050 i marszałek Sejmu, powiedział wprost, że jego partia nie poprze programu dopłat do kredytów „Na start”, a jest za wspieraniem bu ...

Construction work is set to start next Monday on a long-debated bikeway project in the City of Erie, which was approved earlier this year. Work is set to begin on Monday, June 12, for the ...

The project includes the construction of a four-meter-wide concrete wall, equipped with barbed wire and fence, as well as a road, IRNA reported. The initiative to secure borders started in the ... Now ...

Getaway to platforma pełniąca funkcję inteligentnego i zaawansowanego technologicznie kreatora podróży „szytej na miarę”. Twórcy narzędzia właśnie zbierają fina ...

From towering skyscrapers to expansive rail networks, cutting-edge airports to entire new cities, here are five most fascinating projects all set to be completed this year. The supertall skyscraper is ...

Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation (MPTC) and its Cavitex Infrastructure Corporation (CIC) announced they had inked a deal with two local contractors to finish the construction works that would link 2 ...

The deadline to get Missouri families compensation for radiation exposure from the Manhattan Project is quickly approaching. The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act is set to expire June 7 but ...

After walking more than 1,000 miles a Wiltshire man has finished a charity challenge on the very helipad he raised money for. Drew Hornsey, 55, from Trowbridge, has spent the past year walking the ...

Once work is finished on that bridge, they will move to the next one. Bridge closures set to begin in Steuben County As a result, Heise Run Road will be closed between Route 6 and Route 660 with a ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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