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Other penalties, such as fines may also apply. The number of demerit points you get depends on the type of offence. See the list of fines and demerit points for common traffic offences in the Northern ...

Other penalties, such as fines may also apply. The number of demerit points you get depends on the type of offence. See the list of fines and demerit points for common traffic offences in the Northern ...

Driving in Japan offers convenience and flexibility, but there are important aspects to consider, from getting a driver’s license without knowing Japanese to renting a car. While the basic rules of ...

TRAFFIC lights are an important part of traffic control. Here is everything you need to know when you accidentally run ... (red, amber and green) are universal signals for stop, wait and go. Do ...

Demerit points are assigned for traffic violations. They are applied to your driving record on your conviction date and remain on your driving record and driver's abstract for 2 years from the date of ...

Po nocy spędzonej z nowo poznanym chłopakiem, Tylerem, Holly ogarnia niezdrowa obsesja na jego punkcie. Przenosi się do jego liceum i próbuje kontynuować ich „związek”. Zobacz pełny opis ...

Can I get fined for driving through a red light? Running a red ... it will change as you reach it. You should always stop at an amber light, unless it is not safe to do so, or if you've already ...

The agency is running a campaign to address the problem of motorists running red lights at intersections. It consists of reminders to encourage people to do the right thing and issuing $150 fines if a ...

One question that comes up frequently among rewards credit card enthusiasts is, “when you get ... red sweater and you earned 100 points, those 100 points will be subtracted when the refund hits your ...

The penalties will vary in each state and territory, with double demerits coming into effect in some for the long weekend. Here is what you need to ... Double demerit points do not apply ...

Here is everything you need to know about it. Understanding the Aarto system is crucial for all South African drivers, traffic law enforcement agencies, and anyone interested in road safety. All ...

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