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Najnowsze artykuły:

Use the form below to choose the Date for which you need to find nakshatra and other astrology birth details. Please enter exact time and place of birth for accurate result.

Underneath the chart, you can find detailed descriptions of what each sign says about your personality. The Co-Star birth chart also includes your "houses" — the 12 sections of the sky that ...

Your "zodiac sign" is so vital, yet it's only one of the signs that make YOU up! The Moon is only one major key planet in your Birth chart - each key planet in our solar system affects you, and is ...

The June energy kick-starts with Mercury (intellect) joining a cosmic 'talent triangle' that encourages us to speak our truth.

What is your star sign on your birth chart? When you think about your star sign, this represents the position of the sun at your moment of birth. Your sun sign rules your fundamental essence ...

As Jupiter aligns with Pluto, the cosmos reminds us about the importance of having fun. All work and no play makes us bored... and boring! So it's vital to carve out time for relaxation and enjoyment.

In astrology, the birth chart is a snapshot of the sky and all the planets and stars on the exact day and time you were born. It’s your unique cosmic blueprint that can speak to your personality, ...

Star Charts - It's the night sky....but not as we know it. Dorothy's stellar range of Star Charts features some of the most culturally significant films, actors and directors to have graced the silver ...

Every time you think, speak, or write an email or text, you are harnessing your Mercury—and you do so according to the zodiac sign in which Mercury is located in your birth chart. Besides ...

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