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But that’s not what the teacher said, so the lesson a child would walk away with, carrying it with him for his lifetime, is that it’s bad to start a sentence with one of those pronouns.

Neither is "stupider." Don't start a sentence with a conjunction. Don't end one with a preposition. The list goes on. But as you can see by how I started this sentence, it turns out the English ...

Is it acceptable to end a sentence with a preposition? It is. Can you start a sentence with a conjunction? You can. OK to split an infinitive? No problem.A grammar and usage handbook like no other, ...

Kampania wyborcza do Parlamentu Europejskiego to czas, kiedy politycy starają się przekonać wyborców do swojej wizji Europy i swoich umiejętności jako przyszli przedstawiciele Polski na forum UE.

There are a few simple rules you need to follow to make sure your sentences are clear. Firstly, a sentence needs a capital letter at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end, like a full stop ...

In a perfect world, you’d have a large savings account at your disposal to help launch your business idea. But, sadly, that’s not usually the case. However, small-business owners often start ...

Atlanta rapper Future took to X to wish his son Future - who he shares with ex-fiancée Ciara - a happy 10th birthday. Fans mocked his one-sentence message.

Yeah, it's a lot! And while it all leads to the main event, there are still loads of things to think about after your special day unfolds - in particular, thank you cards.Whether your guests have ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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