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When someone starts a sentence with Honestly, it could be out of social conditioning and mimicking speech patterns they have heard from others. While not inherently deceitful, this habit can still ...

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page, wondering if your paragraph is too short, too long, or just right? Well, you're not alone in asking how many sentences are in a paragraph. It can ...

You’re just being upfront. But the problem is, starting a sentence this way implies that everything you said before this point wasn’t entirely truthful. It makes you sound like you’re ...

In that case, maybe it’s a good idea to teach kids to use a full noun, like Joe, before you start referring to ... “and” at the head of a sentence don’t just think it’s inefficient.

"And if you like to end your sentences with a succinct with, go right ahead and keep doing so — just don't quote Winston Churchill when someone says that you shouldn't." And for your other questions, ...

Don't start a sentence with a conjunction ... "If you don't like to end your sentences with prepositions, you don't have to — just don't say that it is a rule," it says on its website.

Business Insider obtained a copy of the standard probation form given to Trump. It orders him to immediately schedule a pre-sentence interview.

Firstly, a sentence needs a capital letter at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end, like a full stop (.), a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!). A sentence also needs a verb in ...

W Outcast: A New Beginning ponownie trafiamy na planetę Adelpha i jako Cuttera Slade próbujemy ocalić jej mieszkańców przed dramatyczną w skutkach inwazją robotów. Outcast 2: A New ...

Incarceration and a significant sentence … is a just outcome.’ Richard Foster ... fined and allowed to drive on by highway police in Coffs Harbour. “Repeat offenders like Mr Jennings deserve severe ...

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