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"Usługi śledzenia blokowania zgłaszają, że pojawiły się problemy z dostępem do witryny BBC Russian w Rosji. Domena nie figuruje w rejestrze zabronionych stron Roskomnadzoru ...

For example, if you would like the latest BBC News Entertainment stories, simply visit the Entertainment section and you will notice an orange RSS button on the left hand side. If you click on the ...

What's the Russian alphabet like ... content you need to have both Javascript enabled and Flash installed. Visit BBC Webwise for full instructions.

Russian anti-war politician Boris Nadezhdi speaks to the BBC after he is rejected as a candidate in next month's presidential vote. Kremlin critics like Oleg Orlov are facing jail terms for ...

Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy przewiduje, że PKB Rosji wzrośnie w tym roku o 3,2 procent. To znacznie więcej niż w przypadku Francji, Niemiec czy Wielkiej Brytanii. W najnowszym raporcie jest jednak ...

A leading science journalist - Asya Kazantseva - also gets the label used to silence Kremlin critics. One of Ukraine's main electricity providers says the Trypillya plant can no longer generate power.

Ukraine’s defenses are nearing the breaking point amid a shortage of ammunition, manpower, and fortifications. U.S. weaponry is on its way, but it may not arrive in time to blunt Russia’s momentum.

Na Cmentarzu Głównym w Przemyślu odbył się pogrzeb Damiana Sobóla, polskiego wolontariusza, który zginął w Strefie Gazy po ataku rakietowym izraelskiego wojska na konwój humanitarny. - Zapłacił najwyż ...

The Russian justice ministry has labelled two prominent journalists - BBC Russian correspondent Ilya Barabanov and science reporter Asya Kazantseva - as "foreign agents". Barabanov has written ...

Russian military casualties in the war with Ukraine have topped 50,000, according to research. The BBC, whose Russian unit has been counting deaths since Moscow’s forces invaded the neighbouring ...

The OVD-Info rights group said Stanislav Netesov, a man who went to a Moscow police station after he was attacked at a bus stop, was instead accused of “discrediting” the Russian army because his hair ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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