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Firma Microsoft przymierza się do kolejnej zmiany w obrębie menu Start. Już niebawem w Windows 11 może pojawić się rozwiązanie przypominające funkcję z Ósemki.

Albacore, jeden z użytkowników serwisu X, odnalazł w wersji testowej Windows 11 (build 26212) nową funkcję "Start Menu Companions". Jej aktywacja wprowadza dodatkowy panel, wyświetlający się obok menu ...

Wondering how to connect your Apple TV to WiFi without a remote? Follow these tips to connect your Apple TV to WiFi now.

For all the different things they do, it can be helpful when they work together. For that, there's Apple CarPlay. This system works to integrate your vehicle and Apple mobile device. CarPlay has been ...

Apple’s (Nasdaq:AAPL) recent release of a new iPad, its first update in three years, failed to make a significant impact on consumers. Despite boasting an M4 chip and other high-end features ...

McDonald's apple pie is a cherished fast-food dessert tied to a string of intriguing facts. Here's everything you need to know.

Apple's new iPad Pro is a beauty and absolute beast but is it worth the high price? Here's our full iPad Pro M4 review.

Microsoft is testing a new feature for the Windows 11 Start Menu called Companions. It looks like a replacement for the Live Tiles feature. The support has been spotted on the latest Windows 11 ...

The best iPads are among the best tablets money can buy, but with so many models to choose from in 2024, it can be hard to know where to start if you're looking to invest in an Apple slate.

Apple's iPad Air now comes with a 13-inch display and powerful M2 processor. Is it worth the £799 asking price, here's our full iPad Air M2 review.

Should you rush out and buy the Apple Watch Series 9? Yes, but also no, depending on what's on your wrist already. Our in-depth review explains everything.

The new iPad Pro is the ultimate tablet in terms of hardware. It's the first Apple device of any kind to feature the new M4 chip, which blows away the best Windows 2-in-1 laptops in terms of ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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