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Part of the best-selling line of Automatic Transmission (AT) motorcycles in the country, the Yamaha Mio Sporty is the smallest member of the Mio lineup. The Mio Sporty is powered by a 114cc Air-cooled ...

Yamaha's Mio Soul i125 is touted as the boldest of the best-selling Mio line of AT scooters. The Soul i125 features edgy styling, wider tires, an LED headlight, and more aggressive decals. It also ...

The knowhow section of Cycle magazine makes sense of commonly misunderstood cycling subjects. In this issue magazine editor Dan Joyce explains tubeless tyres Tubeless tyres look like normal tyres: ...

1 Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego kieruje działem administracji rządowej - nauka, na podstawie § 1 ust. 2 pkt 1 rozporządzenia Prezesa Rady Ministrów z dnia 13 grudnia 2017 r. w sprawie ...

Yamaha brings the Blue Core Fuel Injection engine in FZ Fi that offers better riding experience and fuel efficiency. The optimum amount of fuel is injected enhancing the mileage. The FZ Fi becomes ...

Tubeless tires are tires that do not have an inner tube inside them. Instead, they have a special sealant layer that prevents air from escaping through the tire's bead or the rim's valve.

Organy w sprawach o naruszenie dyscypliny finansów publicznych pierwszej instancji - w załączonych poniżej linkach. Organami właściwymi w sprawach o naruszenie dyscypliny finansów publicznych są: ...

In the Indonesia, Gear 125 S has a bunch of competitors, some of which are Honda Beat Deluxe, Honda Scoopy Sporty, TVS Rockz Standard, Yamaha Mio M3 125 Standard and Yamaha Fino 125 Blue Core Premium.

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