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Hi, Nice To See You Here! My Name Is Mostafa Essam Also Known As MrQuartz. I'm A Web Developer And Discord Expert . I have joined Discord since 2017 and started to make Discord Servers for Me , my ...

My main interest is programming. I have experience in Python, C#, HTML, CSS, and JS. I have built a basic computer weather app that does the job or a Discord gambling bot. Both as a part of schoolwork ...

4. Hit "Save" when finished. Visit this plug-ins page again if you want to make changes. How to set up MEE6 as a moderating bot on Discord Circle back to the plug-ins page on the MEE6 website to ...

W ostatnich dniach światło dzienne ujrzały spekulacje, według których na rynek zmierza nowy Astro Bot. Twórcy zareagowali na doniesienia, automatycznie rozbudzając oczekiwania sympatyków PlayStation.

Chatboty podają ograniczone informacje i wzmacniają postawy ideologiczne osób zadających pytania; mogą przez to prowadzić do bardziej spolaryzowanego myślenia w kontrowersyjnych kwestiach - wykazali n ...

Sending an invitation link to someone is one way of inviting them to join your Discord server. This invite link isn't customizable by default; it just has a random string of characters that don't ...

However, Ticket Tools will be of great help for this purpose. Indeed, what this discord bot allows you to do is simply create tickets that only administrators will receive privately. So, no more ...

Creating an event will require the user to make several clicks of the mouse, so do not expect to get things done in just a few seconds. As we have stated above, a voice event is an option mostly ...

You can have 4 different bots working on your server with just a single Discord bot! A great addition for larger channels, Jockie Music tries to make listening fun for everyone. No more waiting for ...

Jeśli widzisz mniej ofert niż miało być, to pewnie masz włączoną blokadę treści reklamowych, tzw. AdBlock. Możesz to wyłączyć w przeglądarce, której używasz. Otwórz program blokujący reklamy i wyłącz ... | Bitcoin | Bank

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